Silktree, Mimosa , Persian Silk Tree
Albizia julibrissin
Fabaceae (Legume family)
Silktree is a brittle-stemmed, short-lived tree that grows up to 40 feet or 12 meters tall. It is often broader than it is tall, with a flat top, and an umbrella-like shape. The leaves are composed of several sets of small, pale-green leaflets on the short stems. The showy flowers are borne in clustered heads at the ends of branches. The red or pink color comes from the multitude of stamens, which extend far beyond the other parts of the flower. The flat, thin-walled, persistent seed pods measure about 0.5 to 1 inch across, 5 to 8 inches long, and contain numerous flat, brown seeds.Habitat
Mimosa is a native of Asia and is widely planted as an ornamental across Texas. It has escaped and become naturalized primarily in the eastern third of the state. It prefers full sun and is often seen along roadsides and in open vacant lots in urban areas. It is capable of growing in a variety of soil conditions.Toxic Agent
The legume (bean) contains a neurotoxic alkaloid that is responsible for the nervous signs and is thought to act as a pyridoxine (vitamin B6) antagonist. Poisoning occurs when trees with green or mature pods are made available to cattle, sheep, or dogs. They may gain access because of windfall or when trees have been pruned and the limbs with legumes are discarded where animals have access to them. The lethal dose is about 1.5 percent of an animal's body weight in green or brown legumes containing seeds.Signs of Livestock Ingestion
Signs of poisoning occur 12 to 24 hours after intake of the legumes and include: Exaggerated response to stimuli; Muscular twitching; Labored respiration; Salivation; Convulsive seizures; Death.Management Strategies
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) injected intravenously can be an effective treatment even after seizures have begun. Do not cut mimosa branches with seed pods and place them near livestock. Check pastures with naturalized trees after storms and remove branches with seed pods.Images
Plant Characteristics
Flower Color: Pink, Red
Seed Type: Bean/Pod
Duration: Perennial
Stem Texture: Hairless/Smooth
Growth Habit: Shrub (Woody), Tree
Leaf Shape
: Bipinnately Compound
Season: Warm
: 01 - Pineywoods, 02 - Gulf Prairies and Marshes, 03 - Post Oak Savannah, 04 - Blackland Prairies, 05 - Cross Timbers and Prairies, 06 - South Texas Plains, 07 - Edwards Plateau, 08 - Rolling Plains, 09 - High Plains, 10 - Trans-Pecos
Distribution refers to the ecological region in Texas that a plant has been found. You can also view a clickable map.
Book: Toxic Plants of Texas (B-6105)
Collection: Toxics
Livestock Affected: Cattle, Dogs, Sheep
Livestock Signs: Convulsions, Excess Salivation, Excitability, Irregular Breathing, Trembling